
Sunday, January 27, 2013

17 weeks, 3 days

Good morning Baby,

This is my first letter to you, and so long overdue. I told myself I had to muster up the courage to get my thoughts down before we see you again (this Tuesday) and learn whether we'll be referring to you as her or him.

What an act of bravery to be writing to a 17-week-old baby, I know! Well, you see, there are so many days that pass where I feel like I still need to keep you a secret, that the more I celebrate the idea of you, the more I'll have to lose should anything go wrong. To put it simply, you're just too good to be true... but you are real, and all mine until July! Until then, I am making a promise to check in with you here. Everything is yours... my notes, thoughts, observations, photos -- anything you might be curious about years and years from now. 

That I'm even able to write to you is a miracle. Two Thanksgiving's ago your father and I pulled apart a wishbone. Superstition holds that whoever holds the largest part of the broken bone is granted a wish. Magically, little one, we both won. Your father hates to lose, and was frustrated our match ended in a tie, but I think he'd agree that next to you, every other prize pales. You were my wish then, and my wish month after month until October 27th, the day I found out you were true.

I have a lot of catching up to do, I know. There are many things I need to write down, especially before the big appointment on the 29th. Hopefully this is a good start.

Know that I love you, even when I'm struggling to get through one of those dreadful prenatal fitness DVDs I will force myself to play this morning.


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